Friday, 19 October 2012

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Ive been having nose bleeds everyday for a few weeks now. They just start like a runny nose. The blood is bright red, indicating high oxygen. At first it was only my right nostril. Now it is coming out my left one as well. My blood tastes like a penny today, maybe copper, as i had red lips develop yesterday. Been taking moly b, taurine but im out of manganese right now. Also have been taking a lot of cayenne and DLG licorice. Sometimes i get some serious gut pain when taking cayenne, other times not. Clots develop rather quickly if i stuff kleenex up my nose. I'll pull out the kleenex with a rather large clot slug attached to it; sorry to disgust.
Ive tried many remedies posted online but none seem to be helping. I find it odd that they will just start without any physical stimulation. My blood pressure for the most part is within range, the odd time my systolic goes a bit high but might have been due to lingering effects of aerobic activity. Ive been taking herb pharm horsetail for a couple weeks now too. I'm a bit worried about it, but i guess its a more convenient way to reap benefits of "donating" blood, rather than going to a blood bank.

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds

Nose Bleeds


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